服務項目 》Injection lipolysis

The composition of injection lypolysis is a substance similar to bile. In the human digestive tract, bile helps digest fat.
If the lysis agent is injected into the fat layer, it will destroy the fat cells, and the body's macrophages will engulf the released fat and cell debris, so it has the effect of thinning the fat layer. Injection lipolysis also has the effect of promoting collagen hyperplasia, which will have a firming effect on the skin after application. At present, the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan has approved the use of cellulite needles.

Q: What will happen to me after injection? What should I pay attention to?
A: After injection of the drug, you may feel mild or moderate pain and swelling. You don't need to worry. This is due to the effect of the drug on the fat. The fat cells are damaged 24-48 hours after the injection and produce an inflammatory reaction, but following the below care the inflammatory reaction (edema / swelling) can go away quicker.
   Ice compress can reduce pain.
   Avoid alcoholic beverages.
   Avoid eating salty food.
   Avoid intense exercise.
   Keep your head as high as possible when going to bed.

Q: Are there any side effects?
A:  A few have difficulty swallowing, abnormal smile expression, discoloration of the treatment area, etc., but temporarily.

  • 雷射前注意事項:
    1. 治療前兩週請勿使用A酸或光敏感藥物,勿去角質,果酸換膚等臉部保養,避免過度日曬
    2. 如果妳是乾性皮膚,雷射治療會讓妳的皮膚暫時更乾燥,加強保濕是必要的。

    1. 雷射治療時會有點刺痛,如果妳對痛很敏感,請事前與醫師討論做一些止痛步驟。
    2. 雷射治療中不可張開眼睛。

    1. 治療部位會有如日曬後輕微紅熱感,此時可冷敷肌膚,一般約20分鐘~數小時即會消退。
    2. 治療3~5天會有輕微搔癢,此為表皮新生的正常反應,請加強保溼。

    1. 治療後二天內不要使用含果酸或是酒精成分的化妝水及保養品。
    2. 至少一週內勿再去做去角質。
    3. 治療後當天避免濃妝。
    4. 雷射治療後皮膚會比較乾燥,請加強保濕。防曬是必須的,防曬工作包括有減少戶外活動,使用遮陽帽或傘及抹防曬乳(SPF25以上)等。
    5. 有些人雷射後會長幾顆青春痘,請一天兩次(早晩)抹上青春痘藥膏。
    6. 少數人雷射後會有臉部皮膚癢及臉部皮膚紅腫的現象,可以服用止癢藥。止癢藥為抗組織胺藥,一次一粒,一天兩次(早晚)。對於某些特異體質的人可能會有昏睡感,此時應避免駕車或操作機械。
    7. 其他任何的不良反應請隨時與我們診所聯絡。
  • Q:請問是否有「雷射黑眼圈」的手術啊?

如果你有其他問題,可以寄到 service@LRclinic.com.tw 我們會儘快答覆你。有關手術費用的問題,因為採取的手術方式得看過診後才可以得知,請不要透過網路詢價。