服務項目 》Abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a operation procedure to excise the loose abdominal skin or tighten the loose fascia of abdominal wall due to pregnancy or major weight loss. The operation makes the abdomen more firm.
Most of women think the only cause of protruding abdomen is fat. Thickness of fat can be estimated by pinch test. After evaluation, cause of protruding tummy for women after pregnancy is loose skin, loose abdominal muscle (due to the stretching of abdominal wall during pregnancy) or thicker fat layer. Liposuction operation treats the thicker fat through small wounds, but the other problems of abdomen are not treated. Presently the most effective procedure to treat loose and hanging abdominal skin is skin excision. Protruding tummy after pregnancy is usually associated loose muscle fascia. Suture to tighten the loose muscle fascia is the most effective way to correct the problem (shown in following picture). Incision on lower abdomen is needed to perform the above procedure (skin excision, tightening muscle fascia), so that scar is unavoidable.
During consultation with surgeon, he will advice what kinds of surgical options can be considered. Abdominoplasty is not indicated for women who might get pregnancy after abdominoplasty because abdomen might be protruded again.
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