服務項目 》Hair Removal

Hair removal with insulated needle

 The currently developed laser hair removal machines are five kinds: Q-switched Ruby Laser、Alexandrite Laser、Diode laser、Nd:YAG laser、intense pulsed light.  Laser has the effect of prolonging the hair cycle and reducing the amount of hair. In some cases, the effect of laser hair removal was temporary. There was some limitation for laser hair removal.

In Japan, hair removal is quite popular. Dr. Kobayashi published the efficacy of the Japanese insulated hair removal needle on hair removal in medical journals in 1987, and it is widely used in medical institutions in Japan. How to perform hair removal with hair removal needles? Insert the hair removal needle into the hair follicle along the direction of the hair. When a weak current is introduced, the growth point of the hair (located in the deepest part of the hair follicle: hair bulb) will be destroyed to achieve the effect of  hair removal. Its unique insulation design can remove the hair root without damaging the surface skin, so it will not leave scars. Dr. Jong has gone to Japan to receive training of  hair removal in Japanese . The founder Dr. Kobayashi personally taught Dr. Jong the technique of " hair removal method". Dr. Jong is one of the few clinics in Taiwan that is capable of performing hair removal needle . Hair removal by needle is one by one to remove hair, which is time-consuming , but it is also a solid method to remove hair roots one by one.

Hair is a special structure of the body. There are so-called hair cycles: growth phase, regression phase, rest phase, etc. Hair removal has the best effect on growing hair, so  hair removal must be treated several times to clean the hair. In terms of axilla hair, the "hair removal needle" can reduce body odor at the same time, which can be said to be a double benefit. If your eyebrows are too thick, you must use a razor to shave your eyebrows for a long time. Using a hair removal needle can effectively solve your problems .


  •  治療禁忌症
       1、兒童  2、懷孕或哺乳婦女  3、治療部位有開放性傷口或囊腫性痤瘡  4、有凝血功能異常之患者  5、      有自體免疫性疾病之患者  6由醫師專業判斷下不適宜者。
    1. 紅斑(發紅):基本上會在療程後48小時消失。
    2. 腫脹: 一般在療程後48小時會消失。少部分的人,可能出現暫時性輕微水腫一至兩週會有消失。
    3. 疼痛: 少數會出現暫時性小刺痛或觸痛感,基本上在療程48小時消失。也有人會持續到一週。
    4. 傷痕或瘀青: 基本上會在療程後48-72小時消失。      
    5. 神經影響:治療後可能因運動神經發炎而產生短暫局部肌肉無力、或麻木感,約在一至一個月之內恢復。


    • 治療前: 治療前三天請勿使用含A果酸或水楊酸產品,避免刺激肌膚。治療當天與醫師溝通告知您的需求並了解治療前音波禁忌症跟可能產生的副作用如曾有進行雷射光療電波治療及玻尿酸等微整形治療請先告知醫師
    • 治療中:有任何不適請立即告知醫師
    • 治療後: 治療後可正常洗臉,若有皮膚泛紅,暫停飲酒、激烈運動、吃辛辣食物及避免熱水刺激,直到泛紅情況緩解。不需特別冰敷,若有局部不適感,可在局部冰敷。治療後皮膚可能略乾燥,可加強保濕品並注意防曬。治療後一週內勿在治療區域進行任何去角質動作。

如果你有其他問題,可以寄到 service@LRclinic.com.tw 我們會儘快答覆你。有關手術費用的問題,因為採取的手術方式得看過診後才可以得知,請不要透過網路詢價。