服務項目 》Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation with Fat Injection

Most of plastic surgeons did not recommend fat injection into breast for augmentation several years ago.  They concerned that it would be difficult to differentiate with breast cancer if masses were palpable or calcified spots were noted in mammography after fat injection into breast.  In recent years, fat injection becomes kind of fashion in Taiwan and the other countries.  Many medical studies of the pros and cons of fat injection were reported.  Many studies also focus on the usage of stem cells from liposuction fat. 

The pros of fat injection are:

  1. No foreign body is implanted.  No risk of capsular contracture which is associated with silicone bag implantation.  When capsular contracture occurs, breasts are hard and look ball shape. 
  2. Scar is minimal.
  3. Body sculpture can be achieved at the same time.

The cons are:

  1. Some proportion of injected fat will be absorbed.  To avoid complication after fat injection, it is recommended not to inject too much fat in one section.  So that ,several section of fat injection is needed to achieve two cups of breast enlargement.
  2. Complications associated with fat injection are: palpable mass, cysts noted under ultrasound, calcified spots in mammography.  By advanced image study, calcified spots associated with fat injection can be differentiated from calcified spots caused by breast cancer. 

For safety, 100 -200 cc of fat can be injected into one side of breasts in one section depending on preoperative thickness of breast tissue.

The lower pictures showed the sequence change of fat injection into breasts.  Upper left is before picture.  Upper right is picture of fat injection (240cc in total) on two months after surgery.  Lower left is picture of second section of fat injection (350 cc in total) on one week after surgery.  Lower right is picture taken two years after second section.  Her cups are up to C-cups.



Lower pictures showed the difference in shape of breasts after implantation and fat injection.  She underwent silicone bag (250 cc bag) implantation before.  She dislikes the foreign body in her body although the result is optimal.  She decided to have the implanted removed and shifted to fat injection procedure.  Upper rows are the pictures after implantation.  Lower rows are pictures after implant removal and several sections of fat injection.

Breasts are more projected after implantation.  The curvature after fat injection is smoother.  Most of result after implantation is not so good as her, but most of result after fat injection can be as good as her.

Upper : after silicone bag implantation.

Upper: after implant removal and fat injection.

To harvest fat, her body is slimmer than before.

Left: Before liposuction.  Right: Afte liposuction.

    1. 傷口痛才需服用止痛藥(白色藥丸,成分與普拿疼相同acetaminophen 500mg,不傷胃),一次一粒,間隔4-6小時一粒。
    2. 手術當天先擦澡。如手術當天會有染血液的藥水滲濕看護墊,不要緊張,請自行換上乾淨生理護墊即可。隔天早上取下紗布、看護墊(取脂部位)及美容膠(補脂部位)。取脂部位膠帶很黏,撕除動作要輕柔(不然會撕下脆弱表皮)。抽脂傷口可塗優點再貼上OK繃或防水貼。儘量保持抽脂部位傷口乾燥,沖澡後更換OK繃。傷口已經全部密合,可以貼美容膠,照顧疤痕。
    3. 手術後前三天可以用冰敷補脂部位消腫止痛,第三天後可以熱敷來改善腫脹及淤青現象(冰熱敷時間以敷三十分鐘,休息三十分鐘為原則)。
    4. 胸部不用按摩(可能會影響脂肪存活),半年內少穿有鋼絲胸罩。
    5. 取脂部位穿緊身衣的話可以減少水腫瘀青。
    6. 部份脂肪會吸收掉,最快須三個月才穩定,術後三個月請回診檢查。
    7. 有任何對術後照顧不明瞭的地方,請儘速與我們聯絡。
  • Q:我聽說脂肪有分好壞,大腿的脂肪存活率較高,請問是真的嗎?有辦法補一次就從小B變到小C嗎?補完後摸起來的觸感會一粒一粒的或是跟真的胸部有什麼不一樣?
    A : 為了讓脂肪可以與胸部組織結合,脂肪注射量一側一次以約100-200cc為原則,因為一部份脂肪會變吸收掉,一次注射會升級約半個罩杯。脂肪注射後胸部摸起來很自然。沒有研究顯示脂肪有分好壞。

    Q : 因為本身產後胸部下垂很嚴重!但胸部並不小!想藉由脂肪移植到胸部的方法讓胸部不要下垂?可行嗎?本身現在是大D,右邊較小應該是D,想抽大腿跟肚子的脂肪補胸部,另外這樣胸部下垂的問題是否可以得到改善?
    A : 胸部下垂的治療方式之一是隆乳,包括可以用自體脂肪來做,好處是做一個小切口就可以注射脂肪,但如果下垂厲害的話,還是須要剪掉一些下垂的胸部皮膚會較好。

    Q : 脂肪被吸收,是不是會變胖呀?
    A : 俗稱的脂肪被吸收,在組織學上應該是說放到胸部去的脂肪細胞變小了,於是同細胞數目的脂肪因為細胞變小了,總體積變小,俗稱被吸收了。不會有讓妳變肥的情形。

如果你有其他問題,可以寄到 service@LRclinic.com.tw 我們會儘快答覆你。有關手術費用的問題,因為採取的手術方式得看過診後才可以得知,請不要透過網路詢價。