服務項目 》Breast Augmentation with Implant

Breast augmentation with silicone bag implant is one of the common practice in esthetic surgery.  In Oriental countries, the incision is usually made in axillary region.  So that scar usually looks like crease in axilla. 

Implant bag is made of solid silicone.  The surface of bags can be classified into smooth and textured.  The content of bag can be normal saline (N/S) filled or silicone gel filled.  So that there are four kinds of breast implants: smooth N/S bag, textured N/S bag, smooth silicone gel-filled implant and textured silicone gel-filled implants.  Below left is the appearance of these implants.  Below right shows the close view of smooth and textured implants.  The surface of textured implant looks like sand paper. 


How to choose the implant before augmentation surgery?

Silicone is a material which has been used on breast for more than five decades.  It is a stable and non-toxic.  However it is a foreign body.  The natural reaction of human body to foreign material is formation of a capsule to surround the foreign body.  The capsule could be thin or thick.  Breast is soft feeling after augmentation surgery when capsule is thin.  But breast is hard feeling when thick capsule is formed and contracted (medical term is "capsule contracture") in some women after augmentation surgery.

Design of  textured implant is to decrease the capsule contracture rate, showed in some medical studies.  It is recommend to message breast for six months after implantation with smooth implant (to decrease contracture rate).  Tissue can grow into the rough surface of textured implant, so that message is not needed.  The negative sides of textured implant are: (1) Textured implant is stuck with the surrounding tissue.  Implant flow (implant shift to dependent side when position change)  is not so good as smooth implant.   (2) Textured implant is thicker than smooth implant.  Implant could be palpable if breast tissue is thin.  Textured implant is suitable for women with bigger breast before surgery, such as B-cup.

Silicone gel-filled implant has been banned and re-opened because medical studies showed there is no relation between gel-filled implant and the occurrence of auto-immune diseases.  New-generation of silicone-gel implant is more cohesive than before.  So that silicone gel would not flow around if implant bag is rupture.  The advantage of silicone gel-filled implant is that it is soft than N/S bag.  As showed in below pictures, wrinkle of N/S bag is sharper than silicone gel-filled implant.  Gel-filled implant is less palpable.  Gel-filled implant is recommended for women with flat chest.


In Lih-Ren clinic, we use the same air clean system as hospital to prevent infection.  We also have endoscopic system.  Under cooperation of anesthesiologist and plastic surgeon, breast augmentation is a safe and effective method to upgrade your breasts.
    1. 藥包三餐飯後及睡前各服用一包。(三天份)
    2. 如果非常疼痛,請在餐後加服用一粒強效止痛藥,睡前可以加服用兩粒並與藥包藥物一起服用。
    3. 第一次回診之前,兩側腋下紗布不需更換,傷口附近請用擦澡,以保持傷口乾燥。
    4. 第一次回診前,請依醫生指示使用術胸帶,防止義乳移位。
    5. 術後依醫師指示穿戴胸罩時機。
    6. 傷口附近及胸部部位如果有瘀青,會在兩週內自行吸收。
    7. 如果術後沒有任何不適,可以慢慢恢復進食。如果術後有噁心、嘔吐現象,一般只發生在術後當天,此時宜少量進食。
  • Q : 請問隆乳後懷孕時脹奶的情況是如何?聽說會生不如死的疼痛還會爆青筋是真的嗎?隆乳生產完會不會下垂?
    A : 過去曾隆乳又生產後的病人回診,她們沒有說脹奶會痛。產後如果造成下垂的治療方法之一就是隆乳,也就是說隆乳病人生產後是不會有下垂問題的。

    Q : 我從報紙上看到,除了一般從肌肉及乳腺下隆乳,還有一種是從筋膜下隆乳,聽說比較不痛,也很自然!
    A : 筋膜下會比肌肉下隆乳比較不痛,但隆乳手術要有好的結果足夠的組織覆蓋在義乳的外面是很重要的。如果妳是乳腺不發達又很瘦的病人的話,做筋膜下隆乳的話義乳的外形會看得很清楚。肌肉下隆乳有好些方法可以減輕妳的術後不舒服。

    Q : 請問隆乳後懷孕仍可以餵母乳嗎?會有影響嗎?
    A : 隆乳後可以正常哺乳,不會影響嬰兒。

    Q : 真有從肚臍開刀的手術方式嗎?是否安全?我是B罩杯太小C罩杯又太大的,且左小右大,該使用哪種義乳?副乳也可同時解決嗎?有聽朋友說過,一種類似軟糖的矽膠植入法(非過去義乳內填充矽膠),台灣好像已經有了,安全嗎?我平常受傷傷口的疤要很久才消,適合做隆乳手術嗎?
    A : 使用義乳隆乳做起來要漂亮最重要的是要將義乳的位置放對,傷口的位置有好幾種選擇(包括由肚臍),手術醫師會選擇他最熟練的方法做。副乳可以一併處理。易長疤痕的人也可以做隆乳,但疤痕可能要較長的時間才可以復原。

    Q : 隆胸有分罩杯嗎?請問如果久了,會越來越小嗎?我媽說隆胸好恐怖,如果撞到,可能會破掉,是真的嗎?那會有疤痕嗎?有後遺症嗎?手術完會疼痛嗎?如果手術完需要什麼動作呢?
    A : 隆乳時裝的義乳大小會依病人的胸型,期望等因素來決定。術後初期因腫脹會較大,消腫後就不會變化了。破的機會很小,當然應該避免用力撞擊。大部份病人傷口做在腋下,癒合後看不太出來。因麻醉的進步術後不怎麼疼痛或前二至三天較不舒服。術後一般須按摩(我們會教妳按摩)。

    Q : 有一家診所告知手術完成後,接著要服用維他命E與幫助柔軟的藥三個月,請問您專業的看法是否有這個需求?
    A : 吃這些藥或許有稍些的幫忙,但一般我們會建議病人按摩會較重要。

    Q : 請問如果已經有莢膜攣縮的情況以致於胸部變得硬硬的要如何處理呢?是打類固醇使其軟化嗎?
    A : 莢膜攣縮有不同的程度,處理的方式會與莢膜攣縮的程度有關,厲害的攣縮一般會建議病人手術,用打針治療要注意是否會打到義乳。

如果你有其他問題,可以寄到 service@LRclinic.com.tw 我們會儘快答覆你。有關手術費用的問題,因為採取的手術方式得看過診後才可以得知,請不要透過網路詢價。