服務項目 》Cheek Augmentation
Cheek Augmention by Dr. Lih-Ren Jong
People with sunken cheeks looks older. People with "baby face" looks younger. Presently fat, which is harvested from obesity part of trunk, is used to fill up the depressed part on face. For people with prominent zygoma, fat injection into cheeks or temples can improve facial contour.
The procedure of operation is :
(1) liposuction: the liposuction sites usually are on lateral thigh or abdomen.
(2) the fat is cleared to remove unhealthy fat , oil or blood.
(3) The extracted fat is injected into depressed area.
General anesthesia may be needed when injecting fat into cheeks.
The benefits of fat injection into cheek (another term "fat grafting") are:
(1) The survival fat can last longer (more than years). So that it is quite cost-effective than filler injection (such as hyaluronic acid injection).
(2) In appearance and feeling, the result is natural.
(3) There is no risk of rejection. Some portion of fat will be absorbed by body. To compensate the lost fat, more fat will be injected. There is more swelling in first 1-2 weeks.
Second section of fat grafting may be needed if fuller cheek is expected (the interval between sections is 3-6 months).
For people whose body fat is too thin to be harvested, filler or sculptra injection (presented in another chapter in the website) is another option.
1)玻尿酸v.s自體脂肪填補淚溝哪個好? 儷人整形外科診所鍾立人醫師談兩者差異https://lrclinic.pixnet.net/blog/post/27803242-%e7%8e%bb%e5%b0%bf%e9%85%b8v.s%e8%87%aa%e9%ab%94%e8%84%82%e8%82%aa%e5%a1%ab%e8%a3%9c%e6%b7%9a%e6%ba%9d%e5%93%aa%e5%80%8b%e5%a5%bd%3f-%e5%84%b7%e4%ba%ba%e6%95%b4%e5%bd%a22)臉部鬆弛老化怎麼辦?儷人整形外科診所鍾立人醫師談依照症狀治療的重要性https://lrclinic.pixnet.net/blog/post/986684773)臉部老化該做自體脂肪填補還是拉皮手術拉提? 專業醫師替您解答!https://lrclinic.pixnet.net/blog/post/71035240 -
- 傷口痛才需服用止痛藥(白色藥丸,成分與普拿疼相同Acetaminophen 500mg,不傷胃),一次一粒,間隔4-6小時一粒。
- 手術隔天早上取下紗布、看護墊(取脂部位)及美容膠(補脂部位)。取脂部位膠帶很黏,撕除動作要輕柔(不然會撕下脆弱表皮)。抽脂傷口可塗優碘再貼上OK繃或防水貼。儘量保持抽脂部位傷口乾燥,沖澡後更換OK繃。傷口已經全部密合,可以貼美容膠,照顧疤痕。
- 手術後多冰敷補脂部位消腫止痛,術後72小時之後改成溫敷以改善腫脹及淤青現象(冰溫敷時間以敷三十分鐘,休息三十分鐘為原則。)
- 補脂部位在一個月內不要做臉、按摩(可能會影響脂肪存活)。
- 有保存脂肪時,如有需要,在一個月時預約回診補脂。
- 取脂部位可以不穿緊身衣(因為是少量抽脂),如有緊身衣穿上的話可以減少水腫瘀青。
- 有任何對術後照顧不明瞭的地方,請儘速與我們聯絡。
- 部份脂肪會吸收掉,最快須三個月才穩定,術後三個月請回診檢查。
如果你有其他問題,可以寄到 service@LRclinic.com.tw 我們會儘快答覆你。有關手術費用的問題,因為採取的手術方式得看過診後才可以得知,請不要透過網路詢價。