Services 》Incision Double Eyelid Operation

What is incision Double Eyelid Operation?

Double eyelid operation is very common practice in our clinic. Eyes become larger and brighter after operation. Eyes are different between people. The operation should be custom-made. There are two kinds of double eyelid operation. One is suture method (non-incision) – stitches are buried into eyelid by tiny wounds ( there is a chapter in our website instroducing suture method). The other is incision method – incision is made to treat inner structure of eyes, such as fat. By incision method, the adherence is stronger and fading rate( loss of folds) is lower than suture method, but the recovery time is longer than suture method. 

Incision method is recommended in below cases.
1) Puffy eyes. The fat in the eyes will interfere with longevity of double eyelid fold. It is better to treat fat (incision method ) in puffy eyes. 
2) Ptosis. Levator muscle or Muller muscle should be treated. Please refer to the introduction of ptosis below.  
3) Sunken eye. Fat should be added into eye. 
4) Aged eyes. The loose eyelid skin should be excised at the same time. Below figure explains the procedure of incision method with fat excision.


Upper left: before incision method with fat excision.  Right: after

Upper left: before incision method.  Right: 3 years after. 

Upper left: before (incision method with levator surgery).   Right: after

Upper left: before (incision method with levator surgery).   Right: after

Upper left: male case before incision method.     Right: after Scar is one of the concerns about incision method.

Below shows two cases after incision method. The scars just like small wrinkles and are not visible.

small incision double eyelid method
Intermediate method or what some doctors call "small incision double eyelid method",The method is to make a small incision (about one centimeter) to remove fat and finally put sutures as the same way as suture double eyelid operation.The advantage of this method is that the recovery is between the suture and incision method (it is not as swollen as the incision double eyelid operation, and the recovery is faster), but the chance of fading is also between suture and incision methods.


  • The recovery from incision method is long?
    One of the concerns about incision method is the recovery time.  After operation, swelling is more severe in first 2-3 days and then subsides.  With some eye shadow, eyes look fine in first 1-2 weeks.  Below show a typical case after incision method.  Left upper shows the immediately result after surgery.  The swelling is caused by local anethesia.  Upper right shows picture after one week.  She looks fine with eyeliner.  Lower left shows the picture after two weeks.  Lower right shows picture after two months.

    Upper left: immediately after incision method. Right: one week after

    Upper left: two weeks after. Right: two months after

    Other cases:

    Above pictures are: Right after surgery and three days after.

    Above pictures are the same case: One week after the surgery and two weeks after.

    Below showed the scar. Almost invisible.


    The case below decided to have suture method. Left below is the picture after suture method. Later fading was noted. She underwent incision method. Below middle was the picture after incision method. Below right was the picture when she has the stitch removal on fifth day. She said that recovery from incision method was quicker than suture method.

    Fome the left to the right: After suture method -> After incision method -> Fifth day after incision method


  • Asymmetry
    Most common cause of asymmetric eyes is asymmetric folds.  Eye with lower fold looks smaller than eye with higher fold.  There are two ways to correct asymmetry.  One is suture double eyelid operation on eye with lower fold.  The other is incision double eyelid operation on both eyes.  
    The reasons of why not incise only on eye with lower fold are:

    1. The fold on operated side will be higher than the other side in recovery period.
    2. After recovery, there may be some asymmetry between operated side and natural side.

    Below show a case with asymmetric eyes.  She underwent incision method on both eyes.

    In the picture below, the double eyelid folds on the two sides look different, the left double fold is higher than the right eye, and the left eyebrow is raised (you can see it only after careful inspection).

    If we don't let her left eyebrow rise when she open her eyes, we can see that her left tarsus is ptosis.

    The right picture below is the photo after incision double eyelid operation and levator surgery. The two eyes are much symmetrical, and the two eyes are alsobrighter. She was very satisfied with the operation.

  • The cause of lateral hooding in young patients is usually because there is too much fat on the eyelids.
    Removing some fat during incision double eyelid operation can improve lateral hooding.

    After middle age, aging causes the drooping of eyebrow. The tails of the eyes will also droop.
    For slight sagging, you can consider injecting a little botulinum to the position of the eyebrow tail, which can lift the eyebrow tail a little bit.
    If the drooping of the tail of the eye lid is already obvious, you need to consider:

    (1) Upper blepharoplasty: remove the drooping outer upper eyelid.
    (2) Forehead lift: Lift the eyebrows up ( refer to another introduction article-face lift- in the website ).

    In the following example, the patient has both drooping eyebrow and drooping eyelids.
    The most ideal way is to perform an endoscopic forehead lift (raising the eyebrows) first,
    and then perform upper blepharoplasty (removing the drooping upper eyelid) after recovery.
    Finally the patient gets beautiful result.
    In the clinic, the doctor will discuss with the patient which surgery is more suitable

    In the example above, the forehead lift was performed first, and after that(upper right picture), she still felt that the tail of the eyelids was drooping and wanted to improve that.

    The bottom left of the above picture is the photo after finishing the upper blepharoplasty. The position of the eyebrows is improved, and the drooping eyelids are also improved. The scar on scalp due to endoscopic surgery is not obvious.

    If the tail of the eyes is only slightly drooping, cutting off the skin at the tail of the eyelid can improve the lateral hooding.

    The above picture is a marking of the upper eyelid skin excision.

    The more drooping at the tail of the eyelid, the more skin will be excised.

    The picture above is a comparison picture before and after the upper blepharoplasty with upper eyelid skin excision.


  • The treatment of eyelid hooding caused by aging  is:
    (1) Raise eyelid fold by incision double eyelid operation
    (2) Combined with removal of the drooping skin at the tail of the eyelid (We call this surgery "upper blepharoplasty")

    The method of double eyelid operation for aging eyelids is different from that for young people.
    It is advisable to choose an experienced surgeon, otherwise it may end with unnatural result.

    If the double eyelid is not obvious, raising double fold and removing the drooping skin at the tail of the eyelid improve lateral hooding.

    Upper left: before.  Right: after upper blepharoplasty (raise eyelid fold and upper eyelid skin excision).

    Upper left: 70 years old. Before.  Right: after upper blepharoplasty (raise eyelid fold and upper eyelid skin excision).


  • Another surgical method to improve drooping eyelids is to perform Supra-brow or sub-brow skin excision blepharoplasty.

    In other words, it is to remove the skin under or above the eyebrows.
    After the skin is sutured, it will lift the drooping eyelids up.
    After the wound has been sutured delicately, the scar is hard to see.
    Especially suitable for patients with eyebrow tattoos and eyelid hooding.
    The scar is hidden above or below the eyebrow tattoo, which is hard to see.

    Below example: Cut off the skin above the eyebrows.

    After the operation, the eyebrows are lifted and the eyelid hooding are also improved.
    The scar is hard to see.

    The example below has obvious drooping eyebrows and lateral hooding.
    The photo on the right is the postoperative photo, after the supra-brow skin excision and partial removal of the skin of the tail of the eyelid.
    The hooding is improved, and the scar after the operation is not obvious.

    In the example below, there is a trace of old eyebrow tattoo underneath the patient’s new tattoo.
    And the patient has obvious hooding eyelids.
    The skin under the eyebrows is removed during the operation, and the old eyebrow tattoos that the patient disliked are also removed.
    The hooding eyelids are obviously improved after stitching.

    In other cases of sub-brow skin excision, you can see that the lateral hooding has been improved.

  • As mentioned above, people with puffy eyelid are recommended to receive incision double eyelid operation.
    During the operation, part of the fat inside eyelid will be removed.
    Before the operation, the doctor emphasize that
    people with puffy eyelid are less likely to have obvious double eyelid fold after surgery.
    And puffiness will be partially improved, but the eyelids will not become thinner.

    The left picture below is before surgery, and the right picture is after surgery.

    Another cause of puffy eyelids is low eyebrow position , which means that the distance between the eyebrow and the eyelashes is very close.
    If the patient only has incision double eyelid operation, the double eyelid fold after the operation is low fold, there will be no big difference in eyelid puffinesss before and after the operation.
    I would recommend her to do forehead lift to lift eyebrows first. And then do double eyelid operation. The overall effect is better.

    As shown in the picture below, the picture on the left is before the operation, he is only 18 years old;
    The middle picture is a photo after finishing the forehead lift. The eyes are enlarged and the eyebrows are higher;
    The picture on the right is a photo after suture double eyelid operation.

  • Sunken eyelid
    Due to atrophy of orbital fat, sunken eyelid is a sign of aging.  Sunken eyelid is presented with multiple folds, shallow fold and prominent bony structure around eyeballs.  Sunken eyelid can be found in some young women because of congenital reason. They look older than they really are.

    The ways to correct sunken eyelid are:
    1. Single eyelid fold or asymmetric fold with sunken eyelid can be corrected by incision double eyelid operation and inserting with fat block (usually from axilla).  Just like the case presented below. Right is the after picture after incision double eyelid operation and axilla fat block insertion.


    Below case underwent upper eyelid operation in another clinic.  Sunken eyelid is noted on her right eye.  Below right is result on one year and 8 months after upper blepharoplasty with axilla fat block insertion.

    Below show some cases after incision double eyelid operation concomitant with fat block insertion.

    2. Injecting fat into the sunken upper eyelid.  It is suitable for patients with double eyelid fold that does not have to be changed.  Fat is usually taken from thigh.  A tiny wound is made and fat is injected into upper eyelid.  Below case is a case with sunken eyelids, especially on left eye.  Below right is a picture on one year after fat injection.

    In the case below, the upper eyelid is sunken (more obvious in the right eye),
    One year after the patient received the fat injection (picture on the right), the sunken was significantly improved.
    The injected fat has not disappeared.

    The other cause of sunken eyelid is blepharoptosis.  Blepharoptosis (abbreviated as ptosis) will be introduced in the following article.  In this situation, correction of ptosis will correct sunken eyelid.  

    Below picture is a case presented with sunken eyelid and ptosis.  Below right is the result after levator surgery.  Adding fat in such a case will aggravate ptosis (sleepy eye looking), because it will be more difficult to open eye after adding weight on eyelid, although the procedure improves sunken condition.

    Below left picture showed the before picture.  She was presented with sunken and sleepy eyes.  Below right showed the after picture after ptosis correction with internal approach (described in later section). T he ptosis and sunken improved after surgery.

  • Ptosis
    Tarsus is located at the lower edge of upper eyelid, the place of eyelash attachment.  Ptosis means that tarsus drops to lower position than normal, so that pupil is coved by upper eyelid.  Sleepy eye looking is noted.  The left eye of below picture is ptosis eye .

    How to lift tarsus? The methods are:

    (1) External or anterior approach:
    After sewing the tarsus to higher position of levatort,tarsus can be lifted.

    (2) Internal or posterior approach:
    (Also known as: MMCR、Puterman procedure)
    Invert the eyelid , then cut off a part of the Muller's muscle (located on the inside) and conjunctiva , then suture the wound, tarsus can be lifted.

    The difference between external approach and internal approach
    When performing external approach, double eyelids will be made at the same time.
    But the height of the double eyelid fold is related to the degree of tarsus lifting. The more the tarsus is lifted, the low the double fold.
    The shape and height of the double eyelids cannot be predicted before the operation.
    When performing internal approach, double eyelid surgery will not be performed at the same time.
    Double eyelid operation can be performed three months after when position of tarsus is stable and swelling has been complete gone.

    At this time, the doctor can design the shape and height of the double eyelid to fit patients’demand.

    Ptosis correction is indicated when below situations are noted:

    1. Asymmetric eyes
      Ptotic eye looks smaller.  You can see the right eye of below case was smaller due to ptotis.  Right picture showed the result of MMCR, done on her right eye.  The picture was taken on four months after surgery.  Her eyes looked more symmetric.
    2. Forehead wrinkles
      In patients with ptosis, Frontalis (muscle under forehead skin) activity will increase to raise eyebrows and eyelids.  Horizontal forehead wrinkles are obvious due to contraction of Frontalis muscle.

    Due to forehead wrinkle, physician in another clinic injected Botox for the below case (below left picture).  Although Botox was effective to eliminate forehead wrinkles, asymmetric eyes was noted (right eye was smaller) ( below middle picture).  Right picture was taken on six months after MMCR (done on her right eyes) and suture double eyelid operataion (done on both eyes).  No more forehead wrinkles were noted and her eyes are brighter. 

    1. Sunken eyelid
      In previous section, the treatment of sunken eyelid has been mentioned.  Ptosis is one of causes of sunken eyelid.  If fat is injected and no ptosis correction is done, ptotis gets more severe due to the weight of fat on eyelids.  Please refer to the case below.  Left is before.  Right is after appearance of fat injection.  Sunken was corrected, but ptosis got severe.

      The eyes of below case was sunken and ptosis (right picture).  Left was picture on 5th days after MMCR and suture double eyelid operation.  Her eyes are more beautiful after operation.

    2. Revision double eyelid operation
      For cases who had double eyelid operation with unfavorable higher folds, levator surgery or MMCR usually had to be done to lower the folds.  Below case underwent revision double eyelid surgery 10 years ago with recurrence of ptosis. 
    Levator surgery would be not easy due to previous operation scar. After MMCR (it was a easier procedure because there was not scarson conjunctival sides), eyes looked brighter.  She is happy with the result.


    Cases presenting incision double eyelid operation and levator surgery:

    Left eye of below was ptosis eye.  After levator surgery with incision double eyelid operation, eyes looks symmetric.

    Below case underwent incision double eyelid operation and right levator surgery.  Right picture is after surgery.

    Below two cases underwent incision double eyelid operation and levator surgery on both eyelids.  Right picture is result after surgery.  Eyes look quite big.


    The following example shows the before and after incision double eyelid operation combined with levator surgery and epicanthoplasty.

    One of reasons of asymmetric eyes is ptosis.  Left eye of below case is ptosis, so that left eye looked smaller.  After correction of left eye ptosis by levator surgery and incision double eyelid operation, eyes look symmetric.

    Right eye of below case was ptosis. After correction by levator surgery, eyes look quite beautiful.


  • The picture below is an example of MMCR.
    She had a incision double eyelid operation in another hospital. The double eyelid was too high. She looked sleepy.
    The picture on the right is a photo two weeks after MMCR in our clinic. After the tarsus is lifted, her eyes become brighter.

    After MMCR, her tarsus was lifted, but the double fold became lower.
    She later went to our clinic to raise her double fold by suture double eyelid operation.
    The picture below is a post-operative photo after suture double eyelid operation.

    Under what circumstances can you consider MMCR?

    (1)The cause of asymmetric eyes is ptosis on the smaller eye side.

    In the example below, due to the ptosis of the right eye, the right eye looks sleepy and smaller than the left eye.
    The picture on the left below is a photo taken four months after the right eye MMCR.The eyes are much closer.

    (2) Ptosis in both eyes

    Symptoms are shallow or high eyelid folds.
    In the picture on the left below, the eyes looked sleepy . The e double folds were too shallow, and the eyelids were sunken.
    The middle picture is taken immediately after surgery,

    The picture on the left below is a photo taken two months after surgery. The eyes become bright and beautiful.


    (3)  Those who need tarsus lifting surgery and hope to achieve the desired double fold height.

    They can consider doing MMCR first, followed by double eyelid surgery (at least three months apart).
    The right eye of below picture is ptosis eye .The picture on the left is before surgery.
    The middle image is a photo after the right eye has undergone MMCR.

    The double eyelid fold of the right eye will become lower because tarsus has been lifted. 
    After that, she chose to have suture double eyelid surgery on both eyelids to raise the height of eyelid fold (pictured on the right).
    MMCR and suture double eyelid surgery are scarless surgery.

    In the picture on the left below, both eyes looked dull and had ptosis.
    The middle picture is the photo after finishing MMCR.
    The picture on the right is the photo after suture double eyelid surgery. She is very happy with her eyes now.
    Both operations are scarless operations. In addition, you can discuss the height of the double eyelid fold with doctor during double eyelid surgery.

    The picture on the left below is a preoperative photo. The eyes of the case were dull and there were multiple folds on her eyelids.
    The picture on the right below is the photo after incision double eyelid operation and MMCR. The eyes are much larger and brighter.


    (4) Sunken eyelid

    Tarsus lifting surgery can improve sunken eyelid.
    If you receive fat injection to eyelid, the sunken eye improves. But the weight of fat will press on the eyelids, making opening eye more difficult.
    The picture on the left is before the operation, and the picture on the right is the picture immediately after the operation.

    The picture on the left below is taken six days after surgery, and the picture on the right is taken six months after surgery.
    Although her eyelids were still sunken, she was very satisfied with the appearance.

    (5) People who have ptosis, hooding eyelids, sunken eyelids, etc at the same time.

    It is recommended to do MMCR first, and then deal with the problem of hooding eyelid and sunken eyelid at the second stage.
    The following example has ptosis, sunken eyelid on right eye, and hooding eyelid on left eye.
    The picture in the middle below is the photo after MMCR, the eyes are enlarged.
    The picture on the left below is a postoperative photo of right eye fat injection and left  hooding eyelid skin removal (second stage operation). She gets nice eyes.

    The case in the picture on the left below had problems such as small right eye, sunken right eye, and hooding eyelid skin on the left eye.
    The middle picture is a postoperative photo of MMCR.
    The picture on the left is the photo after the second stage of upper blepharoplasty( making new eyelid folds and excising hooding skin).
    The eye shape has improved a lot after the operations.

    (6) Revision blepharoplasty

    If the case has multiple upper eyelid surgeries and ptosis existed, it would be difficult to have another external blepharoplasty due to tissue adherence.
    Because MMCR is operated inside the eyelid rather than outside the eyelid, the operation is much easier.
    The case in the picture below has experienced many upper eyelid surgeries at another hospitals. Her eyes were ptosis and folds were too high.
    The picture on the right is one month after MMCR. The eyes are much brighter.

    For double eyelids that have been operated for many times, if there is a partial ptosis, MMCR can also be used to correct it.
    The following example shows ptosis on the inner side after double eyelid surgery at other hospitals, and the double eyelid folds became wider and not smooth. Below left is the picture after MMCR on inner tarsus. The fold gets smoother.


  • Double eyelid surgery requires careful selection of doctors. If the postoperative results are not satisfactory (at least half a year from the last operation), the operation must be revised.
    In the example below, if the cut is too high, the eyelashes are turned out and the scar is obvious, the double eyelid must be lowered by surgery.

    In this case, the double eyelids were uneven and the right tarsus is ptotic after surgery in other hospitals.
    The picture on the right below is after the revision operation in our clinic.

    The case in the picture below has asymmetrical double eyelid folds after surgery in other hospitals. The picture on the right is a photo after the left eye revision operation in our clinic. Double eyelid folds are closer.

    After the operation in other hospitals, this case had sunken eyelids, and revision operation was required. As shown below.

    If the double eyelid fold is too low and uneven, it is also necessary to undergo revision operation, as shown below.

    If the double eyelids are not smooth, it also need to have a revision operation. As shown below.

    In the left picture below, after surgery in other hospitals, the double eyelids are asymmetrical, and the right eye has ptosis.
    The picture on the right is after revision operation.

  • Four-lid blepharoplasty
    If problems of upper and lower eyelids coexist, blepharoplasty on four lids can be done at the same time.  Problems of four eyelids can be corrected in one recovery time.  Below case presented with sagging upper eyelid and baggy eyelid.  After four-lid blepharoplasty, she looks at least ten years younger than before surgery.  Right picture was taken on 8 months after surgery.

    Below case is similar with above case.  After four-lid blepharoplasty, she looks prettier and younger than before. Right is picture taken on 2 years after surgery.

    Below case presented with sunken upper eyelid and baggy eyelid.  Fat block was put into upper eyelid to correct sunken problem.  In the same time baggy eyelid was corrected.  She is satisfied with the result. Right picture was taken on 6 months after.

    Eyes of below cases are prominent.  She also presented with multiple upper eyelid folds and baggy eyelids.  She underwent four lid blepharoplasty.  Right picture is taken on 8 months after surgery.

    Below case presented with puffy eyelid, sagging eyelid and baggy eyelid.  Right is the picture on 2.5 years after excision of upper eyelid fat, excision of sagging upper eyelid and baggy eyelid surgery.  She is satisfied with the result.

    Below case was 23 years old, presented with puffy eyelid and baggy eyelid.  She underwent four lid blepharoplasty.  Operation procedure included incision double eyelid operation with fat removal and baggy eyelid operation.  Right is taken on 4 months after surgery. Eyes look more spiritual than before.

    Other cases:

  • Cosmetic surgery is no longer for women. More and more men also want to have bright eyes.

    It seems that sleepy eyes are at a disadvantage side in searching job and romance.
    Comparing with women, men have higher frontal bones, lower eyebrow positions, and puffy eyelid.
    In this case, there is a higher chance that the double eyelid will fade after suture double eyelid operation.

    The doctor will evaluate and advise you during the visit.

    Relatively speaking, the recovery from incision method will be slower than that of suture method.
    But the chance of double fold fading is low.
    In addition, because the incision position of incision double eyelid in men is relatively lower than that in women, the recovery will be faster, as in the following cases.

    Actual case of male incision double eyelid surgery

    Left picture► Before incision method ; Middle picture► Right after operation; Right picture► Half a year after operation.

    Left picture► Before incision method ; Middle picture► Right after operation; Right picture► Half a year after operation.

    Left picture► Before incision method ; Middle picture► Right after operation; Right picture► Five years after operation.

    Left picture► Before incision method ; Middle picture► Right after operation; Right picture► Half a year after operation.

    Left picture► Before incision method ; Middle picture► One week after operation; Right picture► One year after operation.

    Left picture► After incision double eyelid operation in other hospital; Middle picture► One week after revision operation in our clinic; Right picture► Five months after revision operation.

    Left picture► Before incision method ; Middle picture► Nine days after operation; Right picture► Half a year after operation.

    If simulating double eyelid fold, the eyes still look sleepy.
    The cause is often ptosis of tarsus.
    Levator surgery must be done at this time with double eyelid operation.

    The following are male cases of incision double eyelid operation and levator surgery

    Left picture► Before surgery; Middle picture► Four days after surgery; Right picture► One year after surgery.

    Left picture► Before surgery; Middle picture► Right after surgery; Right picture► Ten months after surgery.

    In the picture below, the left eye is ptosis, causing asymmetric of eyes.
    After performing levator surgery through the wound of incision double eyelid surgery, the size of the two eyes is much more symmetric.

    Left picture►Before surgery (left levator surgery); Middle picture► Right after surgery; Right picture► Three months after surgery.

    Another reason for men to visit surgeon is that aging hooding eyelid covers a part of the field of vision, making the eyes dull.

    The surgical treatment is:
    (1) Use incision method to make the double eyelid fold higher. (Generally men choose low double folds.)

    (2) Combined excision of hooding eyelid skin (we call this surgery "upper blepharoplasty")

    The following are cases of male upper blepharoplasty

    Left picture► Before upper blepharoplasty; Middle picture► Right after surgery; Right picture►One year after surgery.

    Left picture► Before upper blepharoplasty; Middle picture► Three days after surgery; Right picture►Seven months after surgery.

    Left picture► Before upper blepharoplasty; Middle picture► Three days after surgery; Right picture►Three years after surgery.

    Left picture Before upper blepharoplasty; Middle picture Three days after surgery; Right pictureEight months after surgery.


  • 1. Take painkillers( for wound pain -acetaminophen 500mg, which does not hurt the stomach ) . Take one pill at a time, one pill every 4-6 hours.

    2.In the morning and evening, apply eye ointment thinly on the wound (the ingredient is Chlorotetracycline).

    3. Do not lower your head or exercise after the operation in order to avoid rising blood pressure or eyelid congestion to avoid hematoma.

    4. Try to sit up and keep your eyes open (at least 6 hours) when going home.

    Do not ice packing on the day of surgery

    5. There will be bruises around the eyelids, which will go away within one to two weeks. (Warm compress can accelerate the resolution of bruises).

    * The ice/warm compress time is based on the principle of 30 minutes of application and 30 minutes of rest.

    6.Keep the wound as dry as possible. Do not apply makeup until the stitches have been removed and the wound has healed.

    7.Do not wear contact lenses until the wound has healed (about one week). Follow the appointment time to return to the clinic or remove the stitches.

    8.If your eyes are very painful or eyelid edema is severe, please contact us immediately.

    The most serious complication of the operation is intraocular hematoma, which can even cause blindness

    9. For those who take fat under the armpits, the gauze dressing should be left for 24 hours before being removed. After that, you can take a shower normally, apply betadine to the wound and keep it dry until the stitches are removed.

    Surgical sutures have two layers (inner and outer layers). The outer layer is to be removed , and the inner layer does not need to be removed.

    However, if there are black spots on the eyelids (the inner stitch is exposed) after the operation, just clip them off. Those who cannot handle it by themselves can make an appointment for treatment.

  • Q: Does the incision double eyelid surgery hurt? Is anesthesia required for the operation? Does the appearance really take half a year to be more natural?
    A: In incision double eyelid surgery , it hurts a little bit when injection of local anesthesia on eyelids.
    For patients who are afraid of pain and tend to be nervous, we have several ways to reduce their pain:

    (1)We use the thinnest needle and inject anesthetics at the slowest speed.
    (2) If you are nervous patients, intravenous injection of painkiller and sedation drug will release the discomfort of local anesthesia injection.

    The time it takes for the double eyelids to return to their natural state will vary from person to person, and usually takes less than one month. The time for double eyelids to stabilize is three to six months.

    Q: I already have double eyelids, but the eyelids are puffy. Can I only do eyelid fat removal ?
    A: There are several factors that can cause puffy eyelid. Our eyelid fat has several layers. Not every layer of fat can be removed during surgery.
    And fat that can be removed is the minor cause of puffiness. Past experience tells us that patients who only do eyelid fat removal would not see improvement of puffiness after surgery.
    We will suggest to increase the height of double fold and remove eyelid fat. The overall effect will be better.

    Q: Because my eyelashes irritate my eyes , my eyes are red and swollen all day . Doctor advised me to do incision double eyelid operation, but I am only a junior high school student. Can I do it?
    A: Double eyelid surgery can improve eyelash irritation. Because you are under 20, you need consent from parents before receiving surgery.

    Q: How old is a girl who can receive double fold operation?
    If she is too young, may her eyelids be not stable?

    A: People face may not be stable before 18 years old. In Taiwan, the regulation is that the youngest old to have cosmetic eyelid surgery is 18 years old.

    Q: What should I pay attention after incision double eyelid operation? Can’t work for one month? My double eyelid folds are low. Can I do incision operation?
    A: The postoperative care for incision double eyelid operation is very simple: keep the wound dry, apply ointment, ice packing, and wait for the time to remove the stitches, etc. You can have incision operation even your folds are low.

    Q: Can I receive double fold surgery if I already have lower folds?
    A: Eyes with higher folds look brighter than lower folds. You can receive double fold operation to increase the fold height as the same way as people with single eyelid folds.

    Q: After incision double eyelid surgery, there are asymmetric eyes?
    Is it also be asymmetric after stitch removal?

    A: The asymmetry after double eyelid surgery usually is temporary because the tissue swelling of the two eyes is different.
    It takes three to six months for the tissue to recover. Only after recovery can we know whether the eyelids are symmetrical or not.

    Q: After double eyelid surgery, how should I take care to make the scar smaller? Can I use anti-scar creams on the market? Do I still need warm packing?
    A: The scars of the double eyelids usually is hard to see, even for people who are prone to scars on other parts of the body. No scar care product is needed. Usually you do not need warm packing on two weeks after surgery.

    Q: I am 25 years old and feel that the tail of my eyes is still drooping after incision double eyelid operation. How can I improve it? Do I need to have levator surgery?
    However, some of my eyelid skin have been removed. Can I improve the tail of my eyes?

    A: There are several reasons why the tail of the eye droops after incision double eyelid operation.
    Some people simply have drooping eyelids at the tail of the eye (the lateral eyelid needs to be removed)
    Some people are due to atrophy of medial fat, the medial double eyelid will move up, and the lateral double eyelid will appear drooping (medial fat must be added).

    Some people are genetic ( it will be hard to correct genetic hooding). Some people need levator surgery. I hope you come to our clinic for evaluation.

    Q: What is puffy eyelid? Is it possible that incision double eyelid surgery will fail? Can it be treated if I am not happy with the result?
    A:The so-called puffy eyelid means that eyelids look thick. The reasons are: thicker eyelid skin, thick fat, or drooping eyelid, etc.
    If double eyelid surgery is performed by experienced doctors, the chance of failure is very low, and it can be treated if it occurs.
    The doctor will communicate with you during the consultation and before the operation, so that you have a reasonable expectation for the operation. If your expectations are too high, you may be disappointed.

    Q: How long can the results of incision double eyelid surgery last?
    A: Result of plastic surgery is not permanent, because face keeps changing and aging. The results of double eyelid surgery will generally be maintained until you are getting older.

    Q: Does the so-called "painless plastic surgery" mean intravenous or inhalation anesthesia? I want to receive double fold operation in your clinic, but I am very afraid of pain and quite nervous. I want painless plastic surgery.
    May I ask if painless plastic surgery, will anesthetics prolong the recovery time after surgery?

    A: The so-called painless refers to intravenous general anesthesia.
    If you are afraid of the operation, we recommend you have intravenous injection with the drugs of sedation and painkiller. Because you have to wake up and stand up to check the symmetry of double folds after putting the stitches for double folds, you have to cooperate and open your eyes. It is not recommended to receive general anesthesia, because you can not follow the order to open your eyes. There drugs will not interfere with the recovery.

    Q: I heard that after double eyelid surgery, some foods should be avoided , such as lamb, seafood, spicy food, etc. Is that true? Why? If so, how long does it take to avoid these food?
    A: Generally, we recommend that patients eat less irritating food during the swelling period (especially the first three days), such as too spicy food, because it will make the edema worse. Seafood and lamb are okay.

    Q: Excuse me, I have keloid character. Is there any risk in incision method?
    A: I have never seen keloids growing on the eyelids. Even people with keloids on their body can get double eyelid operation.

    Q: I have drooping eyelids, so my eyebrows also look like drooping. If I have double eyelid surgery combined with fat removal , can the problem be improved?
    A: The best way to improve drooping eyebrows is forehead lift surgery or suprabrow lift, that is, eyebrow lift surgery. Usually not double eyelid operation. Please come to my clinic for evaluation.

    Q: Do I need to remove the inner suture for incision double eyelid surgery?
    If the inner sutures are not removed, is it better to use absorbable sutures?
    A: In the incision double eyelid surgery, we use non-absorbable sutures to sew the inner structure and skin wounds. The inner sutures do not need to be removed. Rarely would side effect of inner sutures occur.

    Q: The so-called unnatural result after incision double eyelid operation means that they look fake and swollen. What is the reason? Is it because the cut is too wide?
    A: There are many reasons for the swelling and wideness of the double eyelid after the operation. The main reason is that the double eyelid is fixed too high and deep during the operation.
    Under the performance of experienced surgeons, the occurrence of unnatural result is low. .

    Q: I want to have incision double eyelid surgery. My eyes look very dull and the tail of my eyes is drooping.

    I have used double eyelid tape for many years and sometimes my eyelids are swollen, and red. But after applying some medicine, it will be fine. Will there be any problems if I want to receive the operation?
    A: Using double eyelid tape, some people will be allergic to a certain component in the tape, causing dermatitis (redness, swelling).
    We hope to have surgery when the dermatitis has been treated.
    If you use double eyelid tapes to make your eyes look brighter, and your eyes are puffy, you should consider incision double eyelid operation to make your eyes beautiful once and for all.

    Q: I want to do incision double eyelid surgery and laser eye surgery for near-sightness. Which one should I do first?
    If I do incision double eyelid surgery first, how long will I have to wait for the laser to be performed?

    If I do the laser first, how long do I have to wait before I can do incision double eyelid surgery?
    A: Generally, it is recommended that patients undergo double eyelid surgery half a year after laser eye surgery.

    If the double eyelid surgery is done first, laser eye surgery can be done after the eyelid is less swollen.
    Of course, the ophthalmologist will evaluate whether it is right time for laser eye surgery.


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